Monday, May 30, 2005

The end is the beginning

Today is my birthday. I turn the big three-oh! I guess this is the time for nostalgia, for reminiscing on the days gone by, the decade of my life that just ended. For this day on, I shall be referred to as being in the thirties (I see some rolling of the eyes here...). A whole new demographic. Now I will be considered to be in a different statistic when people do their inane surveys. All you surveyors out there, I will change your results from now on. This is my revenge on you for asking me those stupid questions.

Not so long time ago, in a galaxy not so far away, I had decided that I will re-evaluate where I am when I turn 30 on 30. The day I pass the milestone, I will re-think my options, I will possibly change the course of my future. Will decide on doing something entirely different if what I am doing right now is not working out. But things happened on the way. I am a few years behind my schedule. The revaluation has to happen, today is just not the right time. I heard this somewhere: Every few years, you have to shake yourself, you have to break yourself and then you have to remake yourself, otherwise monotony will kill you.

One of these days, I will also pen down some thoughts on this change of decade. I remember writing some nice words when I last flipped over a decade. It was a nice piece on the loss of teen years. Somehow I never kept a copy and the original was lost in the numerous moves in the intervening years. Oh well, another thing on my to-do list.

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