Thursday, August 24, 2006

Women and Clock

What is it with women and their inability to be on time. Don't want to start a gender debate here so I will put a disclaimer upfront. Whatever I say in this post is purely based on personal experiences.

Of ALL the females I have known in my life, I can't recall a single one who would be on time anywhere. Now, not being on time is one of my pet peeves. I like to be on time anywhere I go. Not to say I haven't ever been late. I have. But it is more of an exception than a rule and even then in some cases it is due to circumstances beyond my control (traffic, for example). It really pisses me off when people promise to be someplace on time and then are conveniently late.

I have known menfolk who have had no respect for time as well. But somehow, the women always outnumber the men. And they ALWAYS have an excuse when confronted with it. Oh, I woke up late, no, my make-up took time, the shower took 3 minutes to boot up, the bathroom was a 5 minute walk from the bedroom, blah, blah, blah....My point is, after so many years, how could you not know how long it takes for you to get ready. Why don't you start getting ready 15 minutes earlier or get out of bed 15 minutes earlier for God's sake!!

Most of them are actually blissfully unaware that they are late. They consider it a birthright of sorts to not be on time.

Anyway, to cut a long story short. I am pissed. Women don't care. Life goes on...

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Get ready to Ramble....

No particular thought. No reason to blog. Just an itch. Expect a lot of nothing.

Not sure why I came here today. The mind is drawing a blank but the heart urges me to tap on the keys. Write something, anything, nothing, no, not nothing. It is almost like I want to use these words as a reason not to think. I want to hide behind them and play peek-a-boo with reality. Is my mind totally devoid of thoughts right now or is it going at lightspeed, thinking another thought before I am through with the first.

Life has been fairly confusing of late. (Isn't it always?). Seems like I am living in these small independent chunks of time. Something is happening, something happened. Am I just losing my sense of time, my brain? Seems like one moment has no connection with the other. Last minute seems like such "a long long time ago". Just going through the motions it seems. Just read:

There are four kind of people in the world:
One who make things happen
One to whom things happen
One who watch things happen
One who have no clue that things happened.

Am I slipping into the second kind. Or is it the fourth? Or is it a whole new category, "one who wait for things to happen and in the meantime just watch things happening"?

A stray thunderstorm hit this place just now. Want to go out and get drenched. But then I worry about getting my cellphone and wallet wet. And the shoes will be ruined if they get wet. What will I wear tomorrow then?

Do I eat because I am hungry or just beacuse it is mealtime. Life is stuck in a rut. Life is good but the damn thing sucks. Does anybody have an instruction manual to this thing? Can I take a peek. Just turn to a page, any page, any random entry. Read it aloud, say "in the bed" after you are finished reading it. Is it funny? Does it read like the fortune cookies? What do those numbers mean anyway? Why do I love the question mark so much?

Where and when did I lose the last 31 years. I am already done with 31 years! But I just started here. I am not even done reading the table of contents yet. There is this sudden urge to buy all the books on my wish list. Don't feel like reading anymore. But the stack of unread books is going down. What will happen when it goes to zero? Doomsday? Start of civilization? Alright! who's representing the female community here? We have a job to do. And I don't have eternity to do it.

Getting bored of this now. KeybOrd is st iff. Cantt typ an more...