Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Ice Ice baby

Some background: the place where I work, quite a few people sit in one big conference room. And it gets fairly noisy at times. Whenever somebody has to attend any personal calls, the person usually steps out of the room into the common corridors and takes the calls there. The corridors are adjoining the break room with coffee machine, refrigerator etc.

So...a few days ago, I was attending to a call in this common corridor. And I saw an ice cube lying on the ground. The urge to do something really foolish overtook any trace of sensibility that I might possess and I kicked the ice cube. Kicked it hard. As the ice cube marked it's hurried path across the corridor, I looked up to realize that something stood between the ice cube and the end wall. a GIRL!!! My luck being what it is, the ice cube hit her shoes. She looked up and stared at me. Puzzled.

I decided to turn on my charms full blast, covered the mouthpiece of the phone and whispered " I am sorry" and gave her my smile #36. It had got me out of troubles before, why not now. The distance separating us and corridor being not very well lit ( we are saving energy, you see), she failed to read my lips for the sign of a genuine folly. She gave me the stare that would have melted the polar ice caps and singlehandedly achieved what the whole mankind has been unable to do with all their CFC emissions for past several decades.

Anyway, things seem to get back to normal after that. Just a couple of days ago I saw her again in the corridor and she gave me a look that I failed to decipher. I think it means one of two things:
1) She misunderstood me and is really angry.
2) She REALLY misunderstood me and is very "not angry"

Both the situations put me in a predicament. My action was unintentional, or it was intentional with unintentional consequences. She is not exactly the kind of girl I would have thrown ice at normally (if you get my drift).

Notes to self:
  • Avoid corridors.
  • Look around corners before turning.
  • Walk with the eyes lowered.
  • DO NOT smile.
  • WHY ME???

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Hair today, gone tomorrow

Why is it that as men get older, they lose hair from all the places they want and grow them in all the places they don't. We lose hair from our head and the facial growth get slower. Instead, we sprout hair on our ears, the nose hair gets longer, the back hair gets thicker.

If God intended to maintain the net balance of hair on a male body, why make him lose it from the top and let it fall on ears and the back???

Monday, November 06, 2006

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Lend me your ears and I will sing you a song...

Today is one of those damn days when I have a damn tune stuck in my damn head. Damn! Damn! Damn! Why is it that every time there is a song or a tune stuck in your head, it is always a crappy one. Why can't I be going over a nice song over and over in my head?

Often times I have tried, without much success though, to change the stuck tune to something more pleasing. But this is one track that is so difficult to change. Why do all the crappy songs have catchy tunes? This morning I woke up with one of those catchy tunes in my head. It is gone now but it did trouble me for a long time.

I know this is nothing short of sadism, but when i have some idiotic tune stuck in my head and I am near someone who I know is aware of the tune, I love to hum a few bars and get it stuck in their head as well. Tee Hee Hee. Why should I be the only one who is suffering.

Reminds me of an incident from my undergrad days. A friend of mine was humming a nice tune from a song that had just come out. I heard him singing (that's really stretching the definition though), and immediately starting humming some crappy tune. The poor guy got so befuddled that he started humming the new song with this old tune and got really really messed up. Try as he might, he couldn't remember the original tune. As is obvious, he was not very happy with me for the rest of the day.