Sunday, January 01, 2006

And then there were none...

I have been thinking about this... This will be my last post on this blog. No, it is not a break. It is goodbye. Hasta la vista baby. It was good while it lasted but then good things can last only for so long.

Surprisingly, it was not a hard decision at all. In fact it was a very easy one. The answer was there all along, I was just not searching in the right place.

I realized I was not writing from my heart anymore. Deep down, I knew people were reading this. My mind took over, I started writing for the readers. Some known, some unknown. I became concious of what I was writing. After all, it wasn't only for me anymore. I was striving to satisfy the hungry eyes falling on my blog. In the distant past, my words, my thoughts were my own. Now they are everybody else's as well. I have been a very private person all my life. This blog made me feel like a mannequin being undressed in the store window.

Despair not ye, I might still write. I might still blog again. I might still write a book one day. Or none of the above. For heart is a fickle thing. It can be transplanted. And the hands on the clock do go round only to come back to where they started from.