Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Ice Ice baby

Some background: the place where I work, quite a few people sit in one big conference room. And it gets fairly noisy at times. Whenever somebody has to attend any personal calls, the person usually steps out of the room into the common corridors and takes the calls there. The corridors are adjoining the break room with coffee machine, refrigerator etc.

So...a few days ago, I was attending to a call in this common corridor. And I saw an ice cube lying on the ground. The urge to do something really foolish overtook any trace of sensibility that I might possess and I kicked the ice cube. Kicked it hard. As the ice cube marked it's hurried path across the corridor, I looked up to realize that something stood between the ice cube and the end wall. a GIRL!!! My luck being what it is, the ice cube hit her shoes. She looked up and stared at me. Puzzled.

I decided to turn on my charms full blast, covered the mouthpiece of the phone and whispered " I am sorry" and gave her my smile #36. It had got me out of troubles before, why not now. The distance separating us and corridor being not very well lit ( we are saving energy, you see), she failed to read my lips for the sign of a genuine folly. She gave me the stare that would have melted the polar ice caps and singlehandedly achieved what the whole mankind has been unable to do with all their CFC emissions for past several decades.

Anyway, things seem to get back to normal after that. Just a couple of days ago I saw her again in the corridor and she gave me a look that I failed to decipher. I think it means one of two things:
1) She misunderstood me and is really angry.
2) She REALLY misunderstood me and is very "not angry"

Both the situations put me in a predicament. My action was unintentional, or it was intentional with unintentional consequences. She is not exactly the kind of girl I would have thrown ice at normally (if you get my drift).

Notes to self:
  • Avoid corridors.
  • Look around corners before turning.
  • Walk with the eyes lowered.
  • DO NOT smile.
  • WHY ME???

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Hair today, gone tomorrow

Why is it that as men get older, they lose hair from all the places they want and grow them in all the places they don't. We lose hair from our head and the facial growth get slower. Instead, we sprout hair on our ears, the nose hair gets longer, the back hair gets thicker.

If God intended to maintain the net balance of hair on a male body, why make him lose it from the top and let it fall on ears and the back???

Monday, November 06, 2006

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Lend me your ears and I will sing you a song...

Today is one of those damn days when I have a damn tune stuck in my damn head. Damn! Damn! Damn! Why is it that every time there is a song or a tune stuck in your head, it is always a crappy one. Why can't I be going over a nice song over and over in my head?

Often times I have tried, without much success though, to change the stuck tune to something more pleasing. But this is one track that is so difficult to change. Why do all the crappy songs have catchy tunes? This morning I woke up with one of those catchy tunes in my head. It is gone now but it did trouble me for a long time.

I know this is nothing short of sadism, but when i have some idiotic tune stuck in my head and I am near someone who I know is aware of the tune, I love to hum a few bars and get it stuck in their head as well. Tee Hee Hee. Why should I be the only one who is suffering.

Reminds me of an incident from my undergrad days. A friend of mine was humming a nice tune from a song that had just come out. I heard him singing (that's really stretching the definition though), and immediately starting humming some crappy tune. The poor guy got so befuddled that he started humming the new song with this old tune and got really really messed up. Try as he might, he couldn't remember the original tune. As is obvious, he was not very happy with me for the rest of the day.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

When it rains...

Yesterday it rained for the first time here. Or after a long time anyway. As I got out of my car to head to the hotel room, I could feel the gentle breeze blowing across my face. Playing truant with whatever hair I have left. With the Fall season just around the corner, some trees were a little ahead of the game and had already started shedding their leaves. The breeze carried one leaf and pasted it out on my windshield. It took another and blew it against my shoes, where it was stuck for a while before it found a way to go around me. The first raindrops quenched the thirst of the parched ground and gave that particular first rain smell.

For reasons that I cannot comprehend, the first rain always brings a smile across my face. A somewhat happy, somewhat sad moment. The first raindrops, the smell of the earth, the gentle breeze, carry me in their arms and transport me back in time to my childhood and across the seven seas to our home. To our backyard. To those happy times. To the smell of the fresh cut grass. To the happy place free of all the worries, far away from the rat race. Away from the daily grind, the stress of making the ends meet...and then some.

It is like I am looking into the crystal ball, the one that looks back into the present of my childhood. I can see the little kid coming back home after a long day at school. Shoulders sagging under the weight of the school bag. Coming home and mom waiting at the gate, worried that the weather is taking the turn for the worse and I am still at school. The yard is full of wet and yellow leaves that the tree doesn't want anymore. People on the street with just a hint of spring in their steps. Trying to get back home before the skies open up. People hunting for small umbrellas or their raincoats in their bag. People walking but always aware of the nearest shelter. All the street vendors scrambling to find a cover for their wares. Everybody in a rush but everybody a little cheerful. It is the first rain afterall.

These days, I hardly have time to look around and appreciate the nature. To stop and smell the proverbial roses. Just a hint of sadness at the things I have lost. The simple joys, the thrill of seeing the squirrel nibbling at something and then racing across the yard at the first hint of movement. The bugs and the earthworms are still a nuisance. The rain is almost becoming one. One of them days, I will start filling the debit and credit columns of my growing up account. I have a nagging feeling I will end with a negative balance...

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Women and Clock

What is it with women and their inability to be on time. Don't want to start a gender debate here so I will put a disclaimer upfront. Whatever I say in this post is purely based on personal experiences.

Of ALL the females I have known in my life, I can't recall a single one who would be on time anywhere. Now, not being on time is one of my pet peeves. I like to be on time anywhere I go. Not to say I haven't ever been late. I have. But it is more of an exception than a rule and even then in some cases it is due to circumstances beyond my control (traffic, for example). It really pisses me off when people promise to be someplace on time and then are conveniently late.

I have known menfolk who have had no respect for time as well. But somehow, the women always outnumber the men. And they ALWAYS have an excuse when confronted with it. Oh, I woke up late, no, my make-up took time, the shower took 3 minutes to boot up, the bathroom was a 5 minute walk from the bedroom, blah, blah, blah....My point is, after so many years, how could you not know how long it takes for you to get ready. Why don't you start getting ready 15 minutes earlier or get out of bed 15 minutes earlier for God's sake!!

Most of them are actually blissfully unaware that they are late. They consider it a birthright of sorts to not be on time.

Anyway, to cut a long story short. I am pissed. Women don't care. Life goes on...

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Get ready to Ramble....

No particular thought. No reason to blog. Just an itch. Expect a lot of nothing.

Not sure why I came here today. The mind is drawing a blank but the heart urges me to tap on the keys. Write something, anything, nothing, no, not nothing. It is almost like I want to use these words as a reason not to think. I want to hide behind them and play peek-a-boo with reality. Is my mind totally devoid of thoughts right now or is it going at lightspeed, thinking another thought before I am through with the first.

Life has been fairly confusing of late. (Isn't it always?). Seems like I am living in these small independent chunks of time. Something is happening, something happened. Am I just losing my sense of time, my brain? Seems like one moment has no connection with the other. Last minute seems like such "a long long time ago". Just going through the motions it seems. Just read:

There are four kind of people in the world:
One who make things happen
One to whom things happen
One who watch things happen
One who have no clue that things happened.

Am I slipping into the second kind. Or is it the fourth? Or is it a whole new category, "one who wait for things to happen and in the meantime just watch things happening"?

A stray thunderstorm hit this place just now. Want to go out and get drenched. But then I worry about getting my cellphone and wallet wet. And the shoes will be ruined if they get wet. What will I wear tomorrow then?

Do I eat because I am hungry or just beacuse it is mealtime. Life is stuck in a rut. Life is good but the damn thing sucks. Does anybody have an instruction manual to this thing? Can I take a peek. Just turn to a page, any page, any random entry. Read it aloud, say "in the bed" after you are finished reading it. Is it funny? Does it read like the fortune cookies? What do those numbers mean anyway? Why do I love the question mark so much?

Where and when did I lose the last 31 years. I am already done with 31 years! But I just started here. I am not even done reading the table of contents yet. There is this sudden urge to buy all the books on my wish list. Don't feel like reading anymore. But the stack of unread books is going down. What will happen when it goes to zero? Doomsday? Start of civilization? Alright! who's representing the female community here? We have a job to do. And I don't have eternity to do it.

Getting bored of this now. KeybOrd is st iff. Cantt typ an more...

Monday, June 19, 2006

Goodbye Pappa

Papa, Papaji, pops, pitashri, dad. I had lots of names for you but just one relation. I was, am, still a part of you pappa.
As I try to recall my past, I find that my memories of you are woefully inadequate. Why is it that I remember everything but can’t recall anything? I guess the earliest memory I have of you is the day when mom was sick. I was adamant on having toast for dinner and having them from mom. I remember I was so angry that I went to bed hungry. I remember that you made the toast for me and tried to wake me up. But I was angry, very angry and I scratched the hand that was trying to feed me. Sorry for those scratches pappa. The chutney-toast still reminds me of that day pappa.
Somehow, the memories of my childhood has very little of you in them. You were busy, always busy with the business. I left early for school; you were just reading the paper. I came back from school; you were having your lunch or preparing for your afternoon siesta. It was time for bed by the time you were back from the shop. The most hurtful memories are of times when you were not where I was looking for you. I remember I was in seventh grade; I had stood first amongst all the seventh grade students. I was going to receive a prize from the school principal at our annual day. They called my name, I went to the stage and shook hands with the chief guest. I smiled at him and looked at the audience. It was very dark, I couldn’t make out a single face beyond the second row but I knew you weren’t there. I love books, but I never ever read the three books I got for my prize that day. I never stood first again pappa.
It was the school annual sports day; I was chosen for the school parade. I was supposed to run the race. It was an honor to represent the house. I looked up at the stands. I had requested you to be present. You were still not in the audience. I stood outside the stadium crying that day. I never ran another race. I needed you in the audience cheering me on, pappa.
My clearest memories of you are from the time I graduated high school. You wanted me to be an architect, I didn’t. I went for telecom engineering. I still remember how you ran around asking about how good my college was. I still remember how you drove all the way to college in incessant rains to submit my application forms 10 minutes before the deadline. I cannot forget all the pains you took so that I can do what I wanted do. You never questioned why I didn’t consider what you had in mind for me. I guess that’s when we bridged the gap between us. We really were starting to talk to each other. I still have a lot of years of catching up to do pappa.
The college days are a blur. I do remember though that in my third year, you mistakenly told somebody I was majoring in computer science. But by that time I thought it was funny. It didn’t hurt at all. Final year; I got selected for a job. I was one amongst the five people who were chosen. Out of 200 who tried from my college. It meant a lot to me. I came home, told you about it. You just peeked from behind your newspaper and asked me: “does that mean you won’t study further?”. I didn’t know pappa. But did my success mean nothing? But weren't you really happy when I got called for IIM interview. Is that all you wanted? Just further studies. You asked me to go for Indian Administrative Services, I refused. You asked me to do MBA, I said I want to do MS. You said you are ok, I went ahead and gave my MBA exams. You said you were fine with it, I threw away the interview and came to US for MS. Thanks for letting me live my life my way pappa.
While working and living in Delhi, whenever you came to visit us, I will see the pain in your eyes when you saw the place I lived in. Mom said it out aloud, you didn't but I knew it hurt you to see me slogging this way. When we went out for dinner, you insisted on paying. You told me that my money is fake. Your money still can buy food for me. I earn real money now pappa. I owe you so many dinners pappa.
As I was leaving for USA, I know you dropped me off at the airport with such a heavy heart. I could almost see the moist eyes. You were happy that I was doing what I wanted to do. You were happy that I was leaving to be on my own. Even though this meant that I will probably not return. Why didn't you stop me that day pappa?
I remember we had so many clashes over the issue of my marriage. You wanted to see me married, with kids, happy. I resisted. I wanted to wait. I wanted to live life, to enjoy my money. You had a sense of urgency about it that I failed to understand. I said so many unkind words during that time. I take back every bad thing I said pappa.

I remember how happy you were when I got married. You were on cloud nine. I have never seen you dance so much pappa.

I remember when you came to visit us here. You were like a kid in a candy store. You were exploring the streets, the malls, the shops with such a childlike excitement. I was busy with work. I still don't know why I didn't take time off to spend all my time with you. I should have. The image of you going past the security checkpoint towards your gate at the airport has been engraved in my mind. Was it my imagination or did you turn once to give us a long look. I didn't know it would be the last time I will see you on your feet pappa.

The phone call shook me that night. The moment that I have dreaded for every day since arriving in US arrived. My worst fears had come true. It was a call for me to come home. To you. They told me you might not have too long. But how is that possible. There is so much we have to do together. You still have to play with your grandkids pappa.

Seeing you there in the hospital bed was hard. It felt like somebody had knocked the wind out of me. How could the doctors talk so nonchalantly about your condition. How can he just put a percentage to your chance of survival? I tried to keep my mind occupied with inane things. Meeting you twice a day became a ritual I both looked forward to and dreaded. You were still worried about me. You didn't have to be. It was my turn to take care of you pappa.

They asked me to make a decision on your life. How  could I decide the end of life for the one who gave me life? Life is not fair! I chose to prolong your life and your suffering. I am sorry. I didn't know how to make those decisions pappa.

Even though the doctors had told me of the inevitable, it didn't make the pain any easier to bear when the moment did arrive. How could it happen? Gods surely must have made some error. It just wasn't your time. You had to spend time with us. While in the hospital, you asked us to take you home. I didn't want to take you home wrapped in white sheet. I wanted to walk home with you. That journey was the longest and most painful for me pappa.

You know, when we brought you home, all the males of the family went outside the room where we made you rest one final time. I was sitting there with mom, sisters and other females. I was trying to comfort them. Sometime during then, I realized that I was the only male in the room. I guessed maybe that was not right. I thought, I will go outside and be where you are, that will be the right thing to do. Then I realized I was where you were. I was sitting right next to you. There was nobody to tell me what was the right thing to do. Nobody was there to guide me anymore pappa.

Why do they call it last rites? Why do they make it so difficult for the surviving family? They asked me to light the funeral pyre of the person who had given me life. It was very cruel. Each and every moment was meant to remind me of you. Your shoes were lying where you had left them after polishing them. The after shave bottle was only half used. The can of shaving gel was still uncapped. The shirts still hung where you left them. The newspaper also is sitting there unread pappa.

Everybody told me how good you were, not even realizing how painful each bit of detail was for me. But there was so much that I learned from them about my own pappa. They said I have to take care of my mother and sisters now. I am the big guy now. I am not. I was still the same as the day before. There was so much that I still had to learn from you pappa. I have no idea how to handle such a big responsibility pappa. I can't do this pappa. You never told me life will be so tough pappa.

I wish you well wherever you are pappa. Don't worry about me, I will take care of everybody. I will try my best to make sure that they are always happy. But am I allowed to cry when I am by myself pappa?...

Friday, April 21, 2006

Shh...Privacy Please

Have been thinking a long time about this. About time I gave my version of the story. Come out clean. Wash my hands of this matter once and for all....hopefully

For as long as I can remember, friends and foes alike have sometimes accused, sometimes suggested to me that I am a closed person. That I don't share my feelings. AT ALL. I have often wondered how much of that is true. And I guess the answer is that most of it is.

Growing up, somehow I had this in my mind that one is not supposed to share the family stuff with others. That used to be the most personal stuff during childhood anyway. Don't get me wrong. I come from a happy home. There were not many dark family secrets that I could have told anybody. Nothing juicy enough or tragic enough that it can become a conversation matter amongst friends.

Somewhere along the way, that trait got so ingrained in me that sharing personal stuff just made me plain uncomfortable. I always take pride in putting a happy face for the world. How can I tell the world that my closet had a few shelves full of dark stuff.

Going from school to college, I started hearing this accusation more and more often. My friends will request me to tell them what I felt. They will threaten that I won't hear any personal stuff from them either. They will counsel me that it is wrong to keep the feelings bottled in. They will make fun of me. But I didn't wilt under peer pressure. It did get me thinking though. They are my friends after all. What harm could possibly be done by telling them what I feel? Hell, while in school, they didn't even know the girls that I will have a crush on. That's how private a person i was.

I decided I will change. I will try and open up ever so slowly. I did. With disastrous consequences ofcourse. Looking back at it, I guess what my friends did was not to hurt me voluntarily. It was done inadvertently. They just happened to mention things that I had told them in confidence. It just affected me deeply. No one person or one incident. Almost all of them did. It HURT!! It shouldn't have, but it did. And I decided that I will clam up. FOR LIFE!

Almost a decade later, I do realize that it was all silly stuff. But the habit was so ingrained in me that it is impossible to do otherwise. All the years I spent from home by myself just cemented that trait. During all those years, I decided to be my own best friend. I lacked the imagination to make imaginary friends anyway, so I decided that I will give me company. I will understand myself. I have always been an introvert. Being a clam just followed.

So, to all the people in my life who have had this complaint, please don't misunderstand me. It is not that I don't trust you. Anybody will be lucky to find people like you. I am damn lucky to have found all of you in one lifetime. This is just how I am. This is a part of being me. I thought that is the unwritten code of accept your friends as they are. You become friends with them because of who they are. Can I expect the same from you???


Was gone a long time but I am back now. Gave up writing last time 'coz I think it seemed too forced, too unoriginal.

But the cogwheels in the brain seldom stop whirring. The heart still has it's reasons. And the fingers do obey them. They merrily go tap-tapping on this keyboard.

A note though. This time my words will be for moi and not with the intention of making it a great read. Heard this somewhere:
If I am who I am because of who I am then I am who I am
If I am who I am beacuse of who you are then I am not who I am.
Makes sense???

Sunday, January 01, 2006

And then there were none...

I have been thinking about this... This will be my last post on this blog. No, it is not a break. It is goodbye. Hasta la vista baby. It was good while it lasted but then good things can last only for so long.

Surprisingly, it was not a hard decision at all. In fact it was a very easy one. The answer was there all along, I was just not searching in the right place.

I realized I was not writing from my heart anymore. Deep down, I knew people were reading this. My mind took over, I started writing for the readers. Some known, some unknown. I became concious of what I was writing. After all, it wasn't only for me anymore. I was striving to satisfy the hungry eyes falling on my blog. In the distant past, my words, my thoughts were my own. Now they are everybody else's as well. I have been a very private person all my life. This blog made me feel like a mannequin being undressed in the store window.

Despair not ye, I might still write. I might still blog again. I might still write a book one day. Or none of the above. For heart is a fickle thing. It can be transplanted. And the hands on the clock do go round only to come back to where they started from.