Thursday, May 12, 2005


I wonder how people manage to pack so much in one day. Lately my days have been so busy that it is becoming increasingly difficult to pack everything in 24 hours. Come to think of it, even if a day had 48 hours, I would have been just as busy.

Read this somewhere:
"They say everbody is put on this earth to complete a specific set of tasks. Right now I am so far behind that I will never die!!"

How is it possible that as soon as I scratch one thing off my to-do list, 3 more are added. The to-do list keeps getting longer and longer as the body grows tired. The mind warns me to stop but the feet keep marching on.

Here's to taking the time off to walk bare feet on dew-smeared grass, to admire the sun-kissed dandelions, to look at the shooting stars running off in a huff, to take that extra microsecond to blink, to chart the course of the autumn leaf as it falls to the ground and to look up on a misty day and count the colors of the rainbow. To the to-do list that is the ignored bullet point on the life's to-do list.

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