A lot has happened since the last post.
The previously mentioned trip to birth country was completed without any major incident or long term impact (the latter may yet unfold at an unknown future date). It was good to meet some folks I have not seen in years and decades. Lot of family drama as expected - mostly from those it was expected from. The second half was a holiday from a holiday and it was good to create new memories. No one got sick, most of the flights were on time so it was a pretty good trip all said and done.
A company reached out for a job. Everything fit to a 'T' but they came back today to tell me that they went with the other candidate (almost certainly because they were cheaper). On one hand, it feels good to know that I couldn't do much to change the decision if that was the tie-breaker but it also bums me out that I lost a 2 person race. Happening quite often honestly to be of any use to my confidence. The gig would have been good and probably something that would have had a future...
I had imagined all the scenarios where this was it and I was already half checked out. I just haven't come this close to being a great fit and knowing it. The bummer is that I have to start all over again now. Sisyphus - I feel you brother.
Oh well... hopefully I will have something better to report next time.
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