Thursday, August 04, 2005

Multiple Personality

I think I have a serious multiple personality disorder. For a while now I have been thinking of posting something light on this blog but no, nothing, nada, zilch...The mind draws a blank. I cannot write anything light whereas in normal course, I do take pride in my sense of humor. I have relied on my sense of humor to wiggle my way out of some tough situations.

I have always maintained that words are not my best friends. Hell, they never come to my assistance when I need them anyway. Whatever happened to "a friend in need" stuff?

Somehow when I write, I cannot be not serious(get it??). And when I speak, I cannot be serious at all. Maybe I hide behind the facade of humor because of my inability to come up with the right words at the right time. Most of the time, I don't even know what the right words are.

I have often been misunderstood due to what I say. I believe that those who know me will understand that what I say may not be what I mean. I guess....Those who mind, don't matter, those who matter, don't mind.

Someone told me once: "you are a study in contradictions. When I read what you write, it makes me cry, when I am with you, you make me laugh. You are a different person altogether when you are writing. "

And I always blame it on the damn twins that are sitting cozily in my birth sign.

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