Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Say What!

Sometimes, it amazes me to think how some smudges of ink on a piece of paper can convey the myriad feelings. How is it that the smudges take the form of characters, characters form words, words form sentences and sentences give meaning to a thought. How is it that the shapeless, formless thought that is floating around in your mind suddenly seems so meaningful, so alive to those who can decipher those smudges.

But the words don't always need the crutches of a language. How else will you explain the communication between people and their pets. Communication that is totally lacking a common language but not really missing it. Why is it then that when two people want to coommunicate, they need a common language. Or sometimes, even when they have a common language, they fail to communicate with each other.

I have always maintained that words are not my friends. But the fact is that words are my beloved friend and my dreaded foe. Words have got me into some tough spots and got me out of lots of others. Words have betrayed me at the worst possible moment and words have been my lifeline. Words have been my confidante and my Brutus. Somehow, I am always wary of trusting the words that roll off my tongue or the ones that emrge out of my pen.

Thursday, August 25, 2005


Just too lazy to post these days.

Somehow, whenever the thoughts that I want to write, come to my mind, I am not near a computer. When I am near a computer, the thoughts refuse to even be anywhere near my brain.

So much to say, no language to say it in...

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Tall Tales

When I was a kid, I wanted to be tall. I wanted to be 6' 2". I wanted to be tall so that everybody will look upto me. As I grew up, I realized that I will never be 6'2". That's when I decided that if I can't be 6'2", I will act 6'2". I will still give people lots of reasons to look upto me.

Monday, August 15, 2005


Saw this a few days ago...cracked me up...

I was at this desi nick-nack shop munching on my microwaved samosa and sickly-sweet chutney when this yellow porsche boxster pulls into the parking spot bang in front of the shop. The guy had the top off(of the car, you sick minds). He was all style, and very aware of the envious gazes of everybody around him.

Quite a few couples walked by, the guys would turn around and look longingly at the car (Hot gals and hot wheels always makes us guys go rubber-necking) . The girls would look at the porsche guy and wonder why there man doesn't have something like it. Anyway, I digress...

So this guy walks in to the desi convenience store and walks out. Looks here and there with the look that all porsche owners give to the honda owners, raises his hand to put on his aviators and...there was a VHS tape in his hand!! It was such a contrast that people around him started giggling. This guy owns a porsche but doesn't even have a DVD player!! c'mon, It costs only 40 bucks. Probably less than a tank of gas for him. Anyways, all the other guys around him(including yours truly) felt just soooo good. It was a relief akin to the realization that the hot gal you just saw with another man is acutally his sister! Envy givs way to pity :-)

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Multiple Personality

I think I have a serious multiple personality disorder. For a while now I have been thinking of posting something light on this blog but no, nothing, nada, zilch...The mind draws a blank. I cannot write anything light whereas in normal course, I do take pride in my sense of humor. I have relied on my sense of humor to wiggle my way out of some tough situations.

I have always maintained that words are not my best friends. Hell, they never come to my assistance when I need them anyway. Whatever happened to "a friend in need" stuff?

Somehow when I write, I cannot be not serious(get it??). And when I speak, I cannot be serious at all. Maybe I hide behind the facade of humor because of my inability to come up with the right words at the right time. Most of the time, I don't even know what the right words are.

I have often been misunderstood due to what I say. I believe that those who know me will understand that what I say may not be what I mean. I guess....Those who mind, don't matter, those who matter, don't mind.

Someone told me once: "you are a study in contradictions. When I read what you write, it makes me cry, when I am with you, you make me laugh. You are a different person altogether when you are writing. "

And I always blame it on the damn twins that are sitting cozily in my birth sign.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Planes, Trains and Automobiles

One of these days I am gonna jot down my varied travel experiences. A travelog or something. I have met some interesting characters...and then some. Seems like characters crawl out of the woodwork to bump into me....

Keep tuned.

Monday, August 01, 2005

Back Again!

All right. I am back. Pormise to be much more regular in blogging now. Last month was crazy crazy crazy. Here is a quick update on what happened last month:
  • Moved from chicago to seattle.
    • Missed the flight that I was meant to be on. Thankfully got the next flight out. Long live premier status!!
    • Trying to adjust to the new place. Very different from Chi-town. Very less cosmo. But nice nonetheless.
    • Weather is good. But it gets old. The constant cloudy weather was fun for a few days now it is becoming an omnipresent feature. Gimme mah sun
    • Still flying between Seattle and Detroit. Long flight maaan.
  • Bought a house!!!
    • Went through quite a few. Liked one. Bought it.
    • The process is long and un-nerving. Being a first time buyer...not fun at all. The constant travel made it very difficult to manage things.
    • But I LOVE the place.
    • Moving into it tomorrow.
    • Thus begins the homeowner's headaches.
  • Life goes on...