Friday, August 02, 2024

For my daughter

Here's something I have been writing (and refining) for a while now. I intend to give this to my daughter at her college graduation. If, for some reason, I am not around for the graduation AND have enough forewarning, I would arrange for it to be read on the day of... (yeah, melodramatic but I have to prepare for all eventualities). I am not sure why I decided to post it here for no one will ever get to read it but here goes...


Don’t be afraid to spread your wings
What matters is not that they are made of wax
But that you are able to take flight

Don’t be afraid to push every boulder
What matters is not that it rolls down 
But that you are able to push it uphill

Don’t be afraid to break through those ceilings
What matters is not that they are made of glass
But that you know only kryptonite can stop you

Don’t be afraid to claim your seat
What matters is not that it is on a bus
But that they dare say you can't have it

Don’t be afraid to set sail for new frontiers
What matters is not what lies beyond
But that you aren’t afraid to fall off the edge

Don’t be afraid to conquer every mountain
 What matters is not that they are high
 But that they are there, and in your way

Don’t be afraid to challenge the seas
What matters is not that whether you can part it
But that everyone trusts you to show the way

But, above all, don’t be afraid to take that first step
For what matters is not where you end up
But that you undertook the journey at all

flap your wings,
cause some hurricanes!

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